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    Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Performance Report

    The Supreme Audit Institutions Performance Measurement Framework (SAl PMF) was developed by the INTOSAI Working Group on the Value and Benefits of SAls (WGVBS) following a decision at the INTOSAI Congress in South Africa in 2010. In 2016, the SAl PMF was endorsed at the INTOSAI Congress in Abu Dhabi and further strengthened in 2021 after considering the INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements (IFPP), which was adopted in 2016 at the XXII INCOSAI in Abu Dhabi.

    The SAI-PMF is an objective performance measurement framework designed to give a high-level overview of SAl performance and to facilitate managing, measuring, and monitoring of SAl performance over time. The SAl PMF assesses SAl contribution towards strengthened accountability, transparency, and integrity thereby allowing SAls to become model organizations, leading by example in promoting transparency and accountability through credible public reporting on their performance. It can be used to improve SAl capacity development and strategic planning by promoting the use of performance measurement and management

    Download Report here.

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    Audit House, Plot 273, Samuel Ademulegun Street, CBD, P.M.B, 128 Garki-Abuja, Nigeria.