The Office of the Auditor-General for the Federation (OAuGF), a constitutionally created and foremost accountability Office in Nigeria, plays a critical role in ensuring the plans, policies, programmes, and projects of the Government, as set out in its Development Plans and Budgetary Framework are implemented while those entrusted with the management of public resources are accountable to the Nigerian People.
Consequently, the OAuGF Strategic Plan 2024-2028 encapsulates the Goals of the Office in its effort, as the Supreme Audit Institution, to contribute to the public sector governance and accountability framework in Nigeria. This underscores the four key Goals of the Strategic Plan. They are:
Goal 1: Focuses on enhanced independence and mandate of the OAuGF
Goal 2: to reduce mismanagement of public funds through stronger follow-up of audit recommendations.
Goal 3: to ensure improved financial reporting in the public sector and
Goal 4: to make the OAuGF a model Institution not just in Nigeria but beyond her shores.
Please download the Strategic Goal document here.